Possible charge-density wave, superconductivity, and f -electron valence instability in EuBiS2F

Hui Fei Zhai, Zhang Tu Tang, Hao Jiang, Kai Xu, Ke Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jin Ke Bao, Yun Lei Sun, Wen He Jiao, I. Nowik, I. Felner, Yu Ke Li, Xiao Feng Xu, Qian Tao, Chun Mu Feng, Zhu An Xu, Guang Han Cao*

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108 Scopus citations


Superconductivity (SC) and charge-density wave (CDW) are two contrasting yet relevant collective electronic states, which have received sustained interest for decades. Here, we report that, in a layered europium bismuth sulfofluoride, EuBiS2F, a CDW-like transition occurs at 280 K, below which SC emerges at 0.3 K, without any extrinsic doping. The Eu ions were found to exhibit an anomalously temperature-independent mixed valence of about +2.2, associated with the formation of a possible dynamic CDW. The mixed valence of Eu gives rise to self electron doping into the conduction bands mainly consisting of the in-plane Bi6p states, which in turn brings about the CDW and SC. In particular, the electronic specific-heat coefficient is enhanced by ∼50 times, owing to the significant hybridizations between Eu4f and Bi6p electrons, as verified by band-structure calculations. Thus EuBiS2F manifests itself as an unprecedented material that simultaneously accommodates SC, CDW, and f-electron valence instability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064518
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 29 Aug 2014


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