Precision measurement of the isospin dependence in the 2N and 3N short range correlation region

J Arrington, D Day, D Higinbotham, P Solvignon, Guy Ron

Research output: Working paper/preprintWorking paper


We propose to perform a precision test of the isospin dependence of two-nucleon short range correlations using mirror nuclei: 3He and 3H. We will also extend the cross section ratio measurement to the x > 2 region where three-nucleon short range correlations dominate; This will constitute the first test of the isospin dependence of three-nucleon clusters. An unpolarized electron beam of 4.4 GeV, the underdesign room temperature 3He and 3H target system and both high resolution spectrometers (HRS) in standard electron detection configuration are needed for our proposed measurement. The 3H target is
“conditionally approved” as in E06-12-118. The proposed measurement requires 13 days of beam time including calibration, overhead, and background measurements.
Original languageAmerican English
Volume E12-11-112
StatePublished - 2011

Publication series

NameJefferson Lab Experiment Proposal


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