Prevention of Violence, Aggression, and Bullying in Schools

Ronald O. Pitner, Hadass Moore, Gordon Capp, Ron Avi Astor, Rami Benbenishty

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


This chapter highlights best practices in predicting, preventing, and coping with school violence and provides detailed guidance for forming alliances between students, parents, and school staff and for influencing a nonviolent school environment and culture. We present information on common types of evidence-based interventions and ways that school professionals can adopt an “entire school” approach through systematic monitoring. Finally, we discuss the basic assumptions of systematic school monitoring, providing detailed examples of its application and its utility for system-wide school safety.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression
Subtitle of host publicationSocietal interventions
EditorsPeter Sturmey
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
ISBN (Electronic)9781119057574
ISBN (Print)9781119057550
StatePublished - 8 Sep 2017


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