Protein synthesis in epiblast versus hypoblast during the critical stages of induction and growth of the primitive streak in the chick embryo

Hefzibah Eyal-Giladi*, Isaac Farbiasz, David Ostrovsky, Jacob Hochman

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In the chick the inducing power of the hypoblast for primitive streak was assumed to reach its maximum at the beginning of the primitive streak stage and to last until its completion. It was therefore of interest to trace the protein synthetic activity of the epiblast and hypoblast during five successive developmental stages and to correlate them with the known morphogenetic events. The investigation was done along two lines: 1) A quantitative survey was made of the uptake of tritiated phenylalanine into epiblasts versus hypoblasts and their incorporation into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein. 2) Incorporation of label into protein was followed by a comparative investigation of the electropherograms of epiblast versus hypoblast at the different stages. The quantitative survey has shown an almost uniform and rather low incorporation of label into protein in the hypoblast layer with a very short period of doubled activity between full hypoblast and initial primitive streak (p.s.). During this period the inductive capacity of the hypoblast for primitive streak was supposed to reach its maximal value. The qualitative survey indicated different patterns of incorporation in the two layers studied. Of special interest are two peaks (III and IV) which appear in the hypoblast previous to p.s. formation at the time of its augmented synthetic activity which also coincides with the onset of its inductive capacity. At later stages two similar peaks appear in the epiblast. It is suggested that a protein included in the above peaks might represent the inductor of the primitive streak.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)358-365
Number of pages8
JournalDevelopmental Biology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 1975


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