pSAT vectors: A modular series of plasmids for autofluorescent protein tagging and expression of multiple genes in plants

Tzvi Tzfira*, Guo Wei Tian, Benoit Lacroix, Shachi Vyas, Jianxiong Li, Yael Leitner-Dagan, Alexander Krichevsky, Tamir Taylor, Alexander Vainstein, Vitaly Citovsky

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367 Scopus citations


Autofluorescent protein tags represent one of the major and, perhaps, most powerful tools in modern cell biology for visualization of various cellular processes in vivo. In addition, advances in confocal microscopy and the development of autofluorescent proteins with different excitation and emission spectra allowed their simultaneous use for detection of multiple events in the same cell. Nevertheless, while autofluorescent tags are widely used in plant research, the need for a versatile and comprehensive set of vectors specifically designed for fluorescent tagging and transient and stable expression of multiple proteins in plant cells from a single plasmid has not been met by either the industrial or the academic communities. Here, we describe a new modular satellite (SAT) vector system that supports N- and C-terminal fusions to five different autofluorescent tags, EGFP, EYFP, Citrine-YFP, ECFP, and DsRed2. These vectors carry an expanded multiple cloning site that allows easy exchange of the target genes between different autofluorescence tags, and expression of the tagged proteins is controlled by constitutive promoters, which can be easily replaced with virtually any other promoter of interest. In addition, a series of SAT vectors has been adapted for high throughput Gateway recombination cloning. Furthermore, individual expression cassettes can be assembled into Agrobacterium binary plasmids, allowing efficient transient and stable expression of multiple autofluorescently tagged proteins from a single vector following its biolistic delivery or Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)503-516
Number of pages14
JournalPlant Molecular Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Mar 2005

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank Dr Jim Haseloff for the gift of pET-15GAL4-VP16UASmGFP5ER, Dr Nam-Hai Chua for the gift of pTA7001, and Dr Brenda Winkel Shirley for the gift of pCHS.CR2. This study was supported by a grant from the Human Frontiers


  • Autofluorescent proteins
  • Multiple gene expression
  • Plasmids


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