Pulse radiolytic investigation of Oaq- radical ions

Dov Zehavi, Joseph Rabani*

*Corresponding author for this work

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72 Scopus citations


The reactivity of the oxidizing radicals in N2O saturated aqueous solutions was measured by pulse radiolysis. Competition experiments between methanol, ethanol, and other solutes such as ferrocyanide, iodide, bromide, thiocyanate, ferrous, and cerous ions were carried out. Comparison with results in the alkaline pH range indicates that O- is formed as an intermediate in the reaction of eaq- with N2O. O- reacts quickly with water, k(o-+H2o) = 9.6 × 107 sec-1. At high solute concentrations, competition for O- (generated from N2O) was carried out. The following reaction rate constants (in M-1 sec-1) were determined: k(o-+I-) = 2.2 × 109; k(o-+CNS-) = 1.4 × 109; k(O-+methanol) = 5.3 × 108; k(O-+ethanol) = 9.8 × 108; k(O-+ferrocyanide) ≤ 3 × 107; k(o-+Br-) = 1.8 × 108; k(o-+ferrous) = 3.1 × 109; k(O-+cerous) = 5.9 × 108. The reactivity of O- as compared with that of OH is discussed. An upper limit (∼107 sec-1) is estimated for k(N2O-→N2+o-).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1738-1744
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1971


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