Radioisotopic method for the measurement of lipolysis in small samples of human adipose tissue

R. L. Leibel, J. Hirsch, E. M. Berry, R. K. Gruen

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18 Scopus citations


To facilitate the study of adrenoreceptor response in small needle biopsy samples of human subcutaneous adipose tissue, we developed a dual radioisotopic technique for measuring lipolysis rate. Aliquots (20-75 mg) of adipose tissue fragments were incubated in a buffered albumin medium containing [3H]palmitate and [14C]glucose, each of high specific activity. In neutral glycerides synthesized in this system, [14C]glucose is incorporated exclusively into the glyceride-glycerol moiety and 3H appears solely in the esterified fatty acids. Alpha-2 and beta-1 adrenoreceptor activation of tissue incubated in this system does not alter rates of 14C-labeled glyceride accumulation, but does produce a respective increase or decrease in the specific activity of fatty acids esterified into newly synthesized glycerides. This alteration in esterified fatty acid specific activity is reflected in the ratio of 14C:3H in newly synthesized triglycerides extracted from the incubated adipose tissue. There is a high correlation (r = 0.90) between the 14C:3H ratio in triglycerides and the rate of lipolysis as reflected in glycerol release into the incubation medium. The degree of adrenoreceptor activation by various concentrations of lipolytic and anti-lipolytic substances can be assessed by comparing this ratio in stimulated tissue to that characterizing unstimulated tissue or the incubation medium. This technique permits the study of very small, unweighed tissue biopsy fragments, the only limitation on sensitivity being the specific activity of the medium glucose and palmitate. It is therefore, useful for serial examinations of adipose tissue adrenoreceptor dose-response characteristics under a variety of clinical circumstances.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-57
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Lipid Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes


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