Reduced dosage of methyl bromide for controlling verticillium wilt of potato in experimental and commercial plots

A. Gamliel*, A. Grinstein, Y. Peretz, L. Klein, A. Nachmias, L. Tsror, L. Livescu, J. Katan

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42 Scopus citations


The use of gas-impermeable films to reduce the dosage of methyl bromide (MB) required to control Verticillium wilt in potatoes was examined in field experiments, conducted in soils naturally infested with Verticillium dahliae. The incidence and severity of Verticillium wilt were significantly reduced (by 74 to 94%) by fumigation with MB at 50 g/m2 under standard low density polyethylene (LDPE) or at 25 g/m2 under gas-impermeable films. Fumigation at 25 g/m2 under LDPE was less effective. Disease severity was inversely correlated (r2 = 0.89 to 0.91) with chlorophyll content in the leaves. Fumigation also reduced (by 89 to 100%) stem colonization by the pathogen. Potato yield in the fumigated plots was significantly higher (26 to 69%), than in their nonfumigated counterparts, and was inversely correlated with disease index (r2 = 0.69 to 0.9). The percentage of high-value tubers (above 45 g) was 52 to 56% of total yield in the fumigated plots as compared with 32 to 40% in the nonfumigated controls. Thus, fumigation also improved the commercial quality of tuber yield. Effective control of V. dahliae and yield increases following MB fumigation at the recommended dosage or at a reduced dosage with gas-impermeable films was also observed in a consecutive crop. These results were verified in a large-scale field experiment using commercial applications, further demonstrating the feasibility of reducing MB dosages under farm conditions, without reducing its effectiveness in terms of disease control and yield improvement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)469-474
Number of pages6
JournalPlant Disease
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1997


  • soil disinfestation


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