Relationship between baroreflex sensitivity, renin suppression and natriuresis in salt-sensitive rabbits

Marta Weinstock*, Michal Borosh, Orna Kafri, Gabriele Kaczmarczyk

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6 Scopus citations


This study determined the influence of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) on the rate of urinary sodium excretion and plasma renin activity (PRA) in response to a saline infusion in conscious male rabbits specifically bred for high (Croup I; n = 7) and low (Group II; n = 10) BRS and in seven control animals. Only Group II showed significant increases in blood pressure on a chronic high-salt intake. After ensuring that each animal was in sodium balance, a (0.7-0.9%) saline infusion of 3-4 ml/kg per h for 90 min (25% daily sodium intake for each rabbit) was given and urine collected at 15-min intervals via a bladder catheter. No differences were found in control urine volumes, urinary sodium or PRA. Group I excreted over 50% of the sodium load and Group II less than 20% within 90 min. PRA fell by more than 30% within 30 min in six Group I rabbits but decreased by less than 30% or increased in Group II. In the control animals, sodium excretion rates and PRA suppression were also much greater in those with high BRS. A highly significant correlation (r = 0.808, P < 0.01) was found between the per cent of the sodium load excreted and BRS. It is suggested that the delayed sodium excretion and blood pressure elevation in salt-sensitive subjects may be due to a genetic impairment in baroreflex control of rena.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)799-804
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Hypertension
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 1991


  • Conscious rabbits
  • Genetic differences in cardiac baroreflex sensitivity
  • Intravenous saline
  • Plasma renin activity


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