Relative bias parameters from angular correlations of optical and Iras galaxies

Ofer Lahav*, Robert J. Nemiroff, Tsvi Piran

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42 Scopus citations


We compare the galaxy distributions in the optical catalogs UGC and ESO with those in the IRAS sample by calculating the auto- and cross-angular correlation functions. We find that each angular correlation function is well approximated by the form w(θ) = Aθ1-γ out to an angular distance of 5°, with γ ≈ 1.7. The corresponding three-dimensional correlation lengths are r0(OO) ≈ 6, r0(11) ≈ 4 and r0(IO) ≈ 4h-1 Mpc. The discrepancy in the correlation lengths of optical and IRAS galaxies may be interpreted as being due to different degree of biasing relative to the total matter distribution. The bias parameter b is defined as the ratio of the galaxy to matter density contrasts. The above correlation lengths yield somewhat inconsistent estimates of the optical to IRAS biasing ratios: bO/bI = 1.0, 1.4, or 2.0. However, a combined analysis of the data yields bO/bI ≈ 1.7, in good agreement with the ratio deduced from dynamical tests.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)119-124
Number of pages6
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - 10 Feb 1990


  • Galaxies: clustering
  • Infrared: sources


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