Replication of ∅X174 DNA with purified enzymes. I. Conversion of viral DNA to a supercoiled, biologically active duplex

J. Shlomai, L. Polder, K. Arai, A. Kornberg

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28 Scopus citations


Conversion of ∅X174 viral, single-stranded circular DNA to the duplex replicative form (RF), previously observed with partially purified enzymes, has now been demonstrated with the participation of 12 nearly pure Escherichia coli proteins containing ~30 polypeptides. To complete the synthesis of a full length complementary strand, E. coli DNA polymerase I was needed to fill the short gap left by DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, and to remove the primer and replace it with DNA. Production of supercoiled RF required the further actions of E. coli DNA ligase and gyrase. Net synthesis of viral DNA circles was obtained by coupling the formation of RF supercoils to the actions of the ∅X174-encoded gene A protein and E. coli rep protein. Viral DNA circles produced from enzymatically synthesized supercoiled RF, serving as template-substrate, were indistinguishable from those produced from RF isolated from infected cells; synthetic RF and the viral circles generated from it by replication were as biologically active in transfection of spheroplasts as the forms obtained from infected cells and virions. The conversion of single-stranded circular DNA to RF is suggested here as a model for discontinuous synthesis of the lagging strand of the E. coli chromosome. The primosome, a complex of some of the replication proteins responsible for initiation of DNA chains, will be described elsewhere. Multiplication of RF supercoils, described in the succeeding paper, proceeds by a rolling-circle mechanism in which the synthesis of viral strands may have analogies to the continuous synthesis of the leading strand of the E. coli chromosome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5233-5238
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1981
Externally publishedYes


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