Resonant behavior of the Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 reaction

S. J. Sanders*, M. Paul, J. Cseh, D. F. Geesaman, W. Henning, D. G. Kovar, R. Kozub, C. Olmer, J. P. Schiffer

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40 Scopus citations


The Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 reaction has been studied over the energy range 26.3<Ec.m.<32.4 MeV. Angular distributions with 4.5°≤θc.m. ≤50°were measured at nine different energies in this range and an excitation function was measured over a wider range at θc.m.90°. The results of the present measurements, together with previously measured excitation functions at 0°and 180°, are analyzed within the framework of two resonances, at 27.6 and 30.8 MeV, added to a direct reaction background. Probable spin assignments for the two resonances are J=20 (27.6 MeV) and J=23 (30.8 MeV). NUCLEAR REACTIONS Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 (g.s.); measured σ(E,θ); resonance analysis; deduced spins, reduced widths.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1810-1818
Number of pages9
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes


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