Sanctity and Celebrity: The Musical Journey of Rabbi David Buzaglo from Casablanca to Kiryat Yam

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Beginning in the early twentieth century, colonial administrations and technological revolutions facilitated a new era of public entertainment in North Africa. Jewish musicians, male and female, who possessed the necessary cultural capital as well as urban business savvy, were in an advantageous position to capitalize on these new developments.¹ Jewish singers, instrumentalists, and composers became stars of emerging nightclubs and cabaret scenes, large new theaters, recording companies, and radio stations. In the case of male singers, this success in the secular realm did not disengage them completely from parallel activities in intracommunitarian performing venues such as synagogues and private homes....
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLonging and Belonging
Subtitle of host publicationJews in the Modern Islamic World
EditorsNancy E. Berg, Dina Danon
Place of PublicationPennsylvania
PublisherUniversity of Pennsylvania Press
Number of pages27
ISBN (Electronic)9781512827125
StatePublished - 25 Feb 2025

Publication series

NameJewish Culture and Contexts


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