Satisfaction among Volunteer Dentists Serving Underprivileged Elderly in Jersusalem

Avraham Zini, Harold D. Sgan-Cohen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: To examine the satisfaction of volunteering dentists.
Methods: Questionnaires were submitted to 67 dentists who were currently volunteering on a regular basis at a geriatric dental clinic in Jerusalem. Questions included: How had the dentist heard about the clinic; the reason for volunteering; satisfaction with the lectures, clinical training, secretaries, assistants, laboratory; and the level of reaching their expectations.
Results: The main reason that led to volunteering was “contribution to the community” and for "acquiring skills”. Most volunteers answered that the volunteering experience had fulfilled their
expectations. When the reason for volunteering was “contribution to the community", there was less satisfaction from the lectures (p<0.001), and from the clinical training (p=0.041).
Discussion: The act of volunteering for dentists expresses social solidarity and willingness to contribute, which should be nurtured and promoted. Ways of improving this satisfaction need to be addressed, explored and applied for the benefit of the health care providers and the
community recipients.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)1-6
JournalE-volunteerism: Journal of the volunteerism community
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2008


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