School Safety, Victimization, and Bullying: an overview of violence interventions and monitoring approaches

Ronald Pitner, Hadass Moore, Gordon Capp, Aidyn Iachini, Ruth Berkowitz, Rami Benbenishty, Ron Avi Astor

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


This article focuses on socio-ecological and whole-school approaches to coping with school violence, while highlighting best practices for selecting, developing, and monitoring interventions. We present several empirically supported programs, followed by identified characteristics of successful interventions and considerations on selecting an appropriate program for a particular school. Finally, we discuss the systematic monitoring method and approach and its utility in creating safer schools while emphasizing the contextual features and the nested environment in which schools reside. We suggest manners in which the systematic monitoring approach can be considered, advocated, and implemented by school staff members, particularly school social workers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Social Work Online
EditorsCynthia Franklin
PublisherNASW Press and Oxford University Press
StatePublished - 29 Mar 2017


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