Semiclassical approximations for scattering by nonlocal potentials. II Simple applications to atomic collisions

R. B. Gerber*

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The effective-mass method for treating scattering by nonlocal potentials described in a previous publication, is applied to some problems in atomic collision theory. The applications are based on an effective equation for scattering in the elastic channel when coupling with other channels is included, giving rise to a nonlocal effective potential. We use the effective-mass theory to analyze the influence of coupling with closed channels on the elastic scattering in atom-atom collisions and point out that this may lead to a new type of rainbow effect. We show that strong interchannel coupling results in the appearance of poles and zeros in the effective mass and that the latter may lead to compound-state resonances and orbiting effects. It is observed that the occurences of Fesbach resonances in molecular encounters is always reflected in the presence of zeroes in the corresponding effective mass. We also employ the effectivemass method to deal briefly with the familiar problem of curve crossing and nonadiabatic transitions in atomic collisions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4962-4967
Number of pages6
JournalThe Journal of Chemical Physics
StatePublished - 1973
Externally publishedYes


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