Shang Yang’s Promotion of the County System and the County-Canton Relations: an Analysis Based on Official Titles, Salary Grades and the Size of the Employed Personnel

Sun Wenbo*, Yuri Pines (Translator)

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The establishment of the county (xian 縣) system was the core of the second stage of Shang Yang’s reform. This reform was brought to completion through the institutionalization of office bailiffs with distinct salary grades (諸 官 有 秩 嗇 夫). In investigating counties and cantons (xiang 鄉) we should pay attention to the operational background of “[county] court (ting 廷)—[county level] offices (guan 官).” The salary rank of Qin’s county leaders was relatively high, as it was equivalent to what would later be associated only with “major counties” (da xian 大 縣). The appearance of the titles of [county] “heads” (zhang 長) and [canton] “bailiffs” (sefu 嗇 夫) reflects the evolution of the salary grades of the county and canton officials. Based on the county’s and canton’s scale and on the number of registered households, the scope of personnel in Qin’s Qianling 遷 陵 county was relatively large.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)344-388
Number of pages45
JournalBamboo and Silk
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2020

Translation of: 孫聞博. 商鞅縣制的推行與秦縣、鄉關係的確立——以稱謂、祿秩與吏員規模爲中心


  • County system
  • Evolution of salary grades
  • Major county
  • Salary-graded functionaries
  • Scope of employed personnel


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