Short-term plasticity following motor sequence learning revealed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging

Ido Tavor*, Rotem Botvinik-Nezer, Michal Bernstein-Eliav, Galia Tsarfaty, Yaniv Assaf

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35 Scopus citations


Current noninvasive methods to detect structural plasticity in humans are mainly used to study long-term changes. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was recently proposed as a novel approach to reveal gray matter changes following spatial navigation learning and object-location memory tasks. In the present work, we used diffusion MRI to investigate the short-term neuroplasticity that accompanies motor sequence learning. Following a 45-min training session in which participants learned to accurately play a short sequence on a piano keyboard, changes in diffusion properties were revealed mainly in motor system regions such as the premotor cortex and cerebellum. In a second learning session taking place immediately afterward, feedback was given on the timing of key pressing instead of accuracy, while participants continued to learn. This second session induced a different plasticity pattern, demonstrating the dynamic nature of learning-induced plasticity, formerly thought to require months of training in order to be detectable. These results provide us with an important reminder that the brain is an extremely dynamic structure. Furthermore, diffusion MRI offers a novel measure to follow tissue plasticity particularly over short timescales, allowing new insights into the dynamics of structural brain plasticity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)442-452
Number of pages11
JournalHuman Brain Mapping
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


  • diffusion MRI
  • learning
  • motor
  • neuroplasticity
  • piano


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