Solid or not solid: Vision for radar target validation

Amir Sole*, Ofer Mano, Gideon P. Stein, Hiroaki Kumon, Yukimasa Tamatsu, Amnon Shashua

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

48 Scopus citations


In the context of combining Radar and Vision sensors for a fusion application in dense city traffic situations, one of the major challenges is to be able to validate Radar targets. We take a high-level fusion approach assuming that both sensor modalities have the capacity to independently locate and identify targets of interest. In this context, Radar targets can either correspond to a Vision target - in which case the target is validated without further processing -or not. It is the latter case that drives the focus of this paper. A non-matched Radar target can correspond to some solid object which is not part of the objects of interest of the Vision sensor (such as a guard-rail) or can be caused by reflections in which case it is a ghost target which does not match any physical object in the real world. We describe a number of computational steps for the decision making of non-matched Radar targets. The computations combine both direct motion parallax measurements and indirect motion analysis - which are not sufficient for computing parallax but are nevertheless quite effective - and pattern classification steps for covering situations which motion analysis are weak or ineffective. One of the major advantages of our high-level fusion approach is that it allows the use of simpler (low cost) Radar technology to create a combined high performance system.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2004
Event2004 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium - Parma, Italy
Duration: 14 Jun 200417 Jun 2004


Conference2004 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium


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