Space-charge limited current and electroluminescence in conjugated polymer-based LEDs

V. N. Savvate'ev*, M. Tarabia, H. Chayet, E. Z. Farragi, G. B. Cohen, S. Kirstein, D. Davidov, Y. Avny, R. Neumann

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


We have studied the current versus voltage (I-V) and the luminescence versus voltage (EL-V) characteristics in PPV-based LED devices for different film thickness, d. For voltages below the EL threshold voltage, the I-V curves exhibit a linear regime (I∼V) at low voltages and quadratic (I∼V2) regime for higher voltages. The later is attributed to the space charge limited current mechanism assuming a single shallow trap level. The fit of the model to the experimental results is very good with a single fitting parameter, namely, the effective mobility. The extracted mobilities are compared to those measured independently by time-of-flight (TOF) photoconductivity. The SCLC model gives a reasonable explanation for the voltage threshold in EL.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1269-1270
Number of pages2
JournalSynthetic Metals
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - 15 Mar 1997


  • Light sources
  • Poly(phenylene vinylene)
  • Transport Measurements


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