Spaces of sections of Banach algebra bundles

Emmanuel Dror Farjoun*, Claude L. Schochet

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6 Scopus citations


Suppose that B is a G-Banach algebra over F = R or CX is a finite dimensional compact metric space, ξ : P → X is a standard principal G-bundle, and A ξ = Λ(X,P × G B) is the associated algebra of sections. We produce a spectral sequence which converges to π *(GLoAξ) with E 2 -p,q ≃ Ĥ p(X;π q(GL oB)) A related spectral sequence converging to K *+1(A ξ) (the real or complex topological K-theory) allows us to conclude that if B is Bott-stable, (i.e., if π *(GL o B) → K *+1(B) is an isomorphism for all * > 0) then so is A ξ.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)279-298
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of K-Theory
Issue number2
StatePublished - Oct 2012


  • Bott-stable
  • general linear group of a Banach algebra
  • K-theory for Banach algebras
  • localization
  • spectral sequences
  • unstable K-theory


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