Spin content from skyrmions with parameters fit to baryon properties

G. Kälbermann*, J. M. Eisenberg

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2 Scopus citations


Earlier work reported on the existence of a term within a generalized skyrmion approach that yields appreciable spin content for the proton. Unfortunately there is no accessible experiment that can fix the coefficient of this term directly; plausible but highly uncertain values for it gave a result for the spin content loosely consistent with the currently measured Δσ = 0.27 ± 0.13. We attempt here to narrow the range of values for this coefficient by performing global fits to all the parameters of the generalized Skyrme lagrangian while requiring reasonable results for the baryon octet and decuplet masses and octet magnetic moments. This requirement fixes the coefficient loosely, and we find that parameter sets that fit the baryon masses and magnetic moments yield proton spin content near Δσ ∼ 0.15.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)609-616
Number of pages8
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number4
StatePublished - 22 May 1995


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