Spin dependence of the N effective interaction

D. J. Millener*, A. Gal, C. B. Dover, R. H. Dalitz

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174 Scopus citations


A combination of theoretical estimates, based on a N potential model and phenomenological analysis of hypernuclear data, is used to determine a set of four pNs two-body matrix elements which characterize the spin dependence of the N interaction in the p shell. The central spin-spin and the spin-orbit matrix elements are most strongly constrained by existing data. The spin dependence is weak in the sense that (core)×s doublet splittings are predicted to be of order 100 keV, except for the special case of Li7 where the central spin-spin interaction dominates and the ground state doublet splitting is likely to be of order 600 keV. Detailed consideration is given to those ray transitions the observation of which would best serve to further constrain the spin dependence of the N interaction, particularly the tensor interaction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)499-509
Number of pages11
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1985


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