Structure-activity relations of the dark-colour-inducing neurohormone of locusts

Yoram Yerushalmi, Kalpana Bhargava, Chaim Gilon, Meir Paul Pener*

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24 Scopus citations


The dark-colour-inducing effect of several peptides in comparison to that of the dark-colour-inducing neurohormone (DCIN, [His7]-corazonin) of locusts was investigated by a bioassay based on nymphs of a DCIN-deficient albino mutant of Locusta migratoria. The study was aimed at elucidating the active part of the DCIN and to explore the contribution of its amino acids to the activity. Graded doses of all peptides were injected in oil. [Arg7]-corazonin and DCIN were equally effective. Certain arthropod neuropeptides having the -SXGW- partial sequence (a part of the DCIN and of [Arg7]-corazonin; X=His and X=Arg, respectively) yielded the following findings: Scg-AKH-II (adipokinetic hormone II of Schistocerca gregaria X=Thr), Grb-AKH (adipokinetic hormone of Gryllus bimaculatus X=Thr) and RPCH (red pigment concentrating hormone of crustaceans X=Pro) evoked a moderate darkening response, but Lom-AKH-II (adipokinetic hormone II of L. migratoria X=Ala) was ineffective. Step by step shortening of the sequence of the DCIN at the N-terminal, from pGlu-3-11DCIN to pGlu-9-11DCIN, resulted in a decreasing activity, but even pGlu-9-11DCIN induced a weak response with high doses. Shortening of the DCIN from the C-terminal revealed a moderate activity of 1-7DCIN-NH2 and a weak activity of 1-5DCIN-NH2. An octadecapeptide which induces dark colour in moth larvae, having the pentamer FTPRL-NH2 at its C-terminal, evoked no darkening in the albino locusts. We conclude that although the -SXGW- partial sequence has some role in induction of darkening, for obtaining maximal effect the whole sequence of the DCIN (or of [Arg7]-corazonin) is necessary.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)909-917
Number of pages9
JournalInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2002


  • Corazonin
  • Dark-colour-inducing neurohormone (DCIN)
  • DCIN derivatives
  • Locusta migratoria
  • Locusts
  • RPCH/AKH neurohormones
  • Structure-activity


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