Structure characterization of human serum proteins in solution and dry state

S. Gorinstein*, M. Weisz, A. Caspi, I. Libman, H. T. Lerner, S. Trakhtenberg, A. Rosen, I. Goshev, M. Zemser, M. C. Añon

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37 Scopus citations


The present report describes application of advanced analytical methods to establish correlation between changes in human serum proteins of patients with coronary atherosclerosis (protein metabolism) before and after moderate beer consumption. Intrinsic fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), differential scanning calorimetry and hydrophobicity (So) were used to study human serum proteins. Globulin and albumin from human serum (HSG and HSA, respectively) were denatured with 8 M urea as the maximal concentration. The results obtained provided evidence of differences in their secondary and tertiary structures. The thermal denaturation of HSA and HSG expressed in temperature of denaturation (Td, °C), enthalpy ΔAH, kcal/mol) and entropy (ΔS kcal/mol K) showed qualitative changes in these protein fractions, which were characterized and compared with fluorescence and CD. Number of hydrogen bonds (n) ruptured during this process was calculated from these thermodynamic parameters and then used for determination of the degree of denaturation (%D). Unfolding of HSA and HSG fractions is a result of promoted interactions between exposed functional groups, which involve conformational changes of α-helix, β-sheet and aperiodic structure. Here evidence is provided that the loosening of the human serum protein structure takes place primarily in various concentrations of urea before and after beer consumption (BC). Differences in the fluorescence behavior of the proteins are attributed to disruption of the structure of proteins by denaturants as well as by the change in their compactability as a result of ethanol consumption. In summary, thermal denaturation parameters, fluorescence, So and the content of secondary structure have shown that HSG is more stable fraction than HSA.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-78
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Peptide Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2002


  • Denaturation
  • Human serum
  • Proteins
  • Structural characterization


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