Study of the Alteration of Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue of Diet-Induced Obese Mice by Microarray and Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Analyses

R. C. Moraes, A. Blondet, K. Birkenkamp-Demtroeder, J. Tirard, T. F. Orntoft, A. Gertler, P. Durand, D. Naville, M. Bégeot*

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127 Scopus citations


In the present study we developed a model of diet-induced obesity (DIO) in male C57 BL/6J mice using an 8-wk high fat diet. This model should better reflect the physiology of the majority of the human obese patients than mouse genetic models of obesity with defects in leptin or leptin signaling. At the end of the diet, DIO mice displayed an increased weight (20%) and higher leptin, insulin, glucose, and corticosterone plasma levels compared with mice fed a standard diet during the same period. Moreover, they became resistant to the central effect of peripheral administration of leptin. Oligonucleotide microarray studies were conducted in adipose tissue. They showed that a great number of genes are differentially expressed. The majority of these genes (69%) are down-regulated in DIO mice. Among those are genes encoding enzymes of the lipid metabolism or markers of adipocyte differentiation, enzymes involved in detoxification processes, as well as structural components of the cytoskeleton. Some other groups of genes displayed increased expression, such as those encoding inflammatory markers. The results of the microarray analysis were confirmed by semiquantitative RT-PCR studies run on a selected number of genes that were differentially expressed or not modified.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4773-4782
Number of pages10
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2003


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