Study of the itinerant system Ti(Be1-xCux) 2, 0x0.2, by ESR

D. Shaltiel*, P. Monod, I. Felner

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5 Scopus citations


The ESR of Ti(Be1-xCux)2 has been investigated for x=0, 0.01, 0.015, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 at 9.3 GHz between room and helium temperatures. In TiBe2 the ESR properties of a sample with a room temperature of 4.2K resistivity ratio (RR) of 55 is compared with those of a sample with RR=18 reported earlier. The marked differences in the ESR behaviour of the two samples at low temperatures enables the separation of different contributions to the spin-flip relaxation mechanism in the compound. The temperature-dependence of the ESR of the CU content compound shows a gradual transition from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic behaviour. The g value in the paramagnetic region of all the Cu compounds is very close to the pure TiBe 2 value of g=1.983, indicating that the magnetism is associated with the Ti atom, in agreement with neutron diffraction results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number027
Pages (from-to)2703-2714
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Physics F: Metal Physics
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1982
Externally publishedYes


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