Studying the development and motions of tropical cyclones with ocean-atmosphere model

A. I. Falkovich, A. P. Khain, I. D. Ginis

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The results of numerical experiments in determining the impact of the ocean-atmosphere interaction upon the intensity and motions of tropical cyclones are presented. A hybrid atmosphere-ocean model is formed by coupling an eight-level atmospheric model in sigma-coordinates and a three-layer nonlinear oceanic model. Three atmospheric grids with the steps of 160, 80, and 40 km, respectively, are used. The outer rough grid is motionless, while the motions of the two inner grids follow those of a tropical cyclone (TC). On grid boundaries, the conditions for a two-dimensional radiation of the difference of solutions obtained with the coarse and fine grids are used. The boundary layer in the model is parameterized with the method resembling that used by Deardorff. Vertical and horizontal turbulent mixing are also parameterized in the model. Calculation of latent heat release during condensation is done on the scales comparable to the resolution of the grid and also using parameterization of the penetrative convection, resembling the Kuo method. Experiments were conducted using the constant and variable Coriolis parameters, and with and without the leading flow. It is shown that ocean water cooling is conditioned by a TC which notably decreases the intensity of the TC itself, brings closer the decay stage, influences the dimensions and structure of the TC, and notably changes the TC trajectory. Experiments in studying the influence of the beta-effect on the TC trajectory with and without incorporating the oceanic model are also carried out. (English summary)

Original languageEnglish
JournalMeteorologiya i Gidrologiya
StatePublished - 1992


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