Subgroup growth and congruence subgroups

Alexander Lubotzky*

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Let k be a global field, O its ring of integers, G an almost simple, simply connected, connected algebraic subgroups of GLm, defined over k and Γ=G(O) which is assumed to be infinite. Let σn(G{cyrillic}) (resp. γn(G{cyrillic}) be the number of all (resp. congruence) subgroups of index at most n in Γ. We show:(a) If char(k)=0 then: (i) {Mathematical expression} for suitable constants C1 and C2. Under some mild assumptions we also have: (ii) Γ has the congruence subgroup property if and only if log σn(G{cyrillic})=o(log2n). (iii) If Γ is boundedly generated the Γ has the congruence subgroup property. (This confirms a conjecture of Rapinchuk [R1] which was also proved by Platonov and Rapinchuk [PR3].) (b) If char(k)>0 (and under somewhat stronger conditions on G) then for suitable constants C3 and C4, C3 log2n≦log γn(Γ)≦C4log3n.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-295
Number of pages29
JournalInventiones Mathematicae
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1995


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