Subthreshold voltage noise of rat neocortical pyramidal neurones

Gilad A. Jacobson, Kamran Diba, Anat Yaron-Jakoubovitch, Yasmin Oz, Christof Koch, Idan Segev, Yosef Yarom*

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102 Scopus citations


Neurones are noisy elements. Noise arises from both intrinsic and extrinsic sources, and manifests itself as fluctuations in the membrane potential. These fluctuations limit the accuracy of a neurone's output but have also been suggested to play a computational role. We present a detailed study of the amplitude and spectrum of voltage noise recorded at the soma of layer IV-V pyramidal neurones in slices taken from rat neocortex. The dependence of the noise on holding potential, synaptic activity and Na+ conductance is systematically analysed. We demonstrate that voltage noise increases non-linearly as the cell depolarizes (from a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.19 mV at - 75 mV to an S.D. of 0.54mV at - 55 mV). The increase in voltage noise is accompanied by an increase in the cell impedance, due to voltage dependence of Na+ conductance. The impedance increase accounts for the majority (70%) of the voltage noise increase. The increase in voltage noise and impedance is restricted to the low-frequency range (0.2-2 Hz). At the high frequency range (5-100 Hz) the voltage noise is dominated by synaptic activity. In our slice preparation, synaptic noise has little effect on the cell impedance. A minimal model reproduces qualitatively these data. Our results imply that ion channel noise contributes significantly to membrane voltage fluctuations at the subthreshold voltage range, and that Na+ conductance plays a key role in determining the amplitude of this noise by acting as a voltage-dependent amplifier of low-frequency transients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-160
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Physiology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2005


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