Sudden decoupling approximations for atom-surface scattering

R. B. Gerber*, A. T. Yinnon, J. N. Murrel

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81 Scopus citations


Two versions of the sudden approximation are introduced to decouple and solve the equations that describe atom- surface scattering with many open diffraction channels. Both approximations require a high incident beam wave number compared with the magnitude of the reciprocal space vector of the lattice. In this framework, simple explicit expressions are obtained for the observable diffraction intensifies, making calculations feasible even for systems with hundreds of open diffraction channels. Further considerable simplifications ensue when the approximations are specialized to the case of a Lennard-Jones-Devonshire potential, or to that of a weakly corrugated surface. The approximations were applied to the systems He/LiF(001); Ne/LiF(001) and Ne/W(110) and the results are compared with other calculations or with experiment. The sudden approximation is found to be of good accuracy in these cases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalChemical Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jun 1978


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