Supportive data on the regulation of GLUT4 activity by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose

Ofer Shamni, Guy Cohen, Arie Gruzman, Hilal Zaid, Amira Klip, Erol Cerasi, Shlomo Sasson*

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4 Scopus citations


The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “Regulation of GLUT4 activity in myotubes by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose” (Shamni et al., 2017) [1]. These data show that the experimental procedures used to analyze the effects of 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (MeGlc) on the rate of hexose transport into myotubes were valid and controlled. The stimulatory effect of MeGlc was limited to glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) and was independent of ambient glucose and protein synthesis. Cornish-Bowden kinetic analysis of uptake data revealed that MeGlc attenuated indinavir-induced inhibition of hexose transport in a competitive manner.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)329-336
Number of pages8
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Oct 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 The Authers


  • 3-O-methyl glucose
  • Glucose transporter 4
  • Indinavir
  • Intrinsic activity
  • Myotubes


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