Systematics of carbon- and oxygen-induced fusion on nuclei with 12A19

D. G. Kovar*, D. F. Geesaman, T. H. Braid, Y. Eisen, W. Henning, T. R. Ophel, M. Paul, K. E. Rehm, S. J. Sanders, P. Sperr, J. P. Schiffer, S. L. Tabor, S. Vigdor, B. Zeidman, F. W. Prosser

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Measurements of the total fusion cross sections for C12 + C12, C13, N14, N15, O16, O18, and F19 and O16 + O16 have been performed over the energy range from 1.5 to 3 times the Coulomb barrier energy. Fusion barrier parameters were extracted for each system. Three systems, C12 + C12, C12 + O16, and O16 + O16, show rather pronounced oscillatory structure in the energy dependence of the fusion cross sections. The maximum fusion cross sections for the systems studied vary by as much as 10-20%, depending on the particular entrance channel. The specific structure of the interacting nuclei clearly does have an effect; the fusion process is not entirely dominated by the macroscopic features of the ion-ion interaction. NUCLEAR REACTIONS, fusion, measured fusion(E); C12 + C12, 7.4<~Ec.m.<~31.2 MeV; C12 + C13, 7.6<~Ec.m.<~24.9 MeV; C12 + N14, 15.1<~Ec.m.<~24.0 MeV; C12 + N15, 8.9<~Ec.m.<~26.7 MeV; C12 + O16, 12.9<~Ec.m.<~27.0 MeV; C12 + O18, 11.9<~Ec.m.<~28.0 MeV; C12 + F19, 11.6<~Ec.m.<~27.1 MeV; O16 + O16, 14.9<~Ec.m.<~36.0 MeV; deduced fusion barrier parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1305-1331
Number of pages27
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1979
Externally publishedYes


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