Table or circles: A comparison of two methods for choosing among career alternatives

Adi Amit*, Itamar Gati

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


A sample of 182 young adults about to choose their college major were randomly assigned to 2 guidance methods aimed at facilitating choosing among promising career alternatives: Table-for-Choice and Circles-for-Choice. Table-for-Choice was perceived as more effective, but individuals' confidence in their choice was higher in the Circles-for-Choice condition. More factors that serve to compare and evaluate the options were listed by participants in the Circles-for-Choice condition. No interaction emerged between the participant's decision-making style and the usefulness of the two methods. Both methods were perceived as more useful for participants who were already at the choice stage than for those who were only at the prescreening or the in-depth explorations stage.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50-63
Number of pages14
JournalCareer Development Quarterly
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2013


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