Targeting of the Subthalamic Nucleus for Deep Brain Stimulation: A Survey Among Parkinson Disease Specialists

Wolfgang Hamel*, Johannes A. Köppen, François Alesch, Angelo Antonini, Juan A. Barcia, Hagai Bergman, Stephan Chabardes, Maria Fiorella Contarino, Philippe Cornu, Walter Demmel, Günther Deuschl, Alfonso Fasano, Andrea A. Kühn, Patricia Limousin, Cameron C. McIntyre, H. Maximilian Mehdorn, Manuela Pilleri, Pierre Pollak, Maria C. Rodríguez-Oroz, Jordi RumiàMichael Samuel, Lars Timmermann, Francesc Valldeoriola, Jan Vesper, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, Jens Volkmann, Andres M. Lozano

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47 Scopus citations


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