Teachers' goal orientations for teaching: Associations with instructional practices, interest in teaching, and burnout

Jan Retelsdorf*, Ruth Butler, Lilian Streblow, Ulrich Schiefele

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

221 Scopus citations


Two studies (one longitudinal) were designed to extend Butler's model of teachers' goal orientations for teaching. In Study 1, results from 281 teachers in Germany confirmed the predicted four-factor model comprising mastery, ability-approach, ability-avoidance, and work-avoidance goal orientations. As expected, mastery orientation and work avoidance emerged as positive and negative predictors, respectively, of adaptive patterns of instruction (mastery-oriented practices and cognitive stimulation) and high interest in teaching and low burnout; associations for both ability orientations were less consistent. In Study 2, 69 Israeli teachers completed the measures of instructional practices, interest in teaching and burnout several months after reporting their goal orientations. Results were very similar to those of Study 1. The two studies confirm that research on teachers' goal orientation is promising and has implications for understanding how teacher motivation might influence both teachers and their students.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30-46
Number of pages17
JournalLearning and Instruction
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2010


  • Achievement goal orientations for teaching
  • Burnout
  • Instructional practices
  • Interest in teaching


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