The construction of urgency discourse around mega-projects: the Israeli case

Josef van Wijk*, Itay Fischhendler

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Scopus citations


Various studies have pointed to urgency in decision-making as a major catalyst for policy change. Urgency evokes a crisis frame in which emotions and cognitive and institutional biases are more likely to be mobilised in support of the policy preferences of powerful actors. As a result, decision-makers tend to be driven by emotions and opportunity, often with detrimental results for the quality of the planning process. Although urgency has such a profound influence on the quality of decision-making, little is known about how, when and by whom urgency is constructed in the planning process of public infrastructure. By means of a discourse analysis, this study traces the timing, motives and ways actors discursively construct a sense of urgency in decision-making on the building of terminals for the reception and treatment of the natural gas that was recently found off the coast of Israel. The results of this study indicate that government regulators, but also private sector actors, deliberately constructed an urgency discourse at critical moments during the planning process. By evoking terms that resonated with the target audience, regulators employed urgency as an instrument to legitimise unorthodox planning practices whilst precluding the consideration of alternative planning solutions. Thus, urgency framing is a means of controlling both the discourse and the agenda—and is therefore an exercise in power maintenance—by entrenched interest groups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)469-494
Number of pages26
JournalPolicy Sciences
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.


  • Crisis
  • Discourse
  • Framing
  • Infrastructure
  • Mega-projects
  • Planning
  • Urgency


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