The current state of basic medical education in Israel: Implications for a new medical school

Shmuel Reis*, Jeffrey M. Borkan, Michael Weingarten

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7 Scopus citations


The recent government decision to establish a new medical school, the fifth in Israel, is an opportune moment to reflect on the state of Basic Medical Education (BME) in the country and globally. It provides a rare opportunity for planning an educational agenda tailored to local needs. This article moves from a description of the context of Israeli health care and the medical education system to a short overview of two existing Israeli medical schools where reforms have recently taken place. This is followed by an assessment of Israeli BME and an effort to use the insights from this assessment to inform the fifth medical school blueprint. The fifth medical school presents an opportunity for further curricular reforms and educational innovations. Reforms and innovations include: fostering self-directed professional development methods; emphasis on teaching in the community; use of appropriate educational technology; an emphasis on patient safety and simulation training; promoting the humanities in medicine; and finally the accountability to the community that the graduates will serve.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)984-989
Number of pages6
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


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