The dynamics of antibody response to Escherichia coli vaccination in meat-type chicks

N. Yonash*, G. Leitner, A. Cahaner, D. E. Heller

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4 Scopus citations


The dynamics of serum antibody (Ab) response in young broilers were studied in lines divergently selected for high (HC) or low (LC) Ab response to Escherichia coli vaccination at an early age, and their cross (HL). Chicks were divided into three vaccination-age (VA) groups: 8, 10, and 12 d of age (VA8, VA10, and VA12, respectively). Antibody response was determined five times for each chick, at 6, 8,10,12, and 14 d postvaccination (dPV). The effects of line, VA, and dPV on Ab titers were highly significant. The HC and LC chicks exhibited the highest and lowest mean titers, respectively, in all VA groups. The HL chicks exhibited midparent Ab values for all VA and dPV combinations, indicating additive inheritance of early Ab production. In LC, the highest mean Ab titer was obtained on Day 26 (14 dPV of the VA12 group), whereas in HC, the same titer had already been obtained on Day 18 (VA8-10 dPV and VA10-8 dPV combinations). The VA8 and VA12 chicks differed markedly in their Ab titer dynamics curves, and the VA10 chicks exhibited an intermediate curve. The three VA groups exhibited a similar change in Ab level from 6 to 10 dPV, but they differed in Ab change from 10 to 14 dPV. This significant dPV x VA interaction suggests that the VA12 and VA10, but not VA8, chicks maintained the capability to produce persisting Ab.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1418-1423
Number of pages6
JournalPoultry Science
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2000


  • Antibody response
  • Chickens
  • Dynamics
  • Early age
  • Escherichia coli


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