The emergence of life on Earth

Noam Lahav*, Shlomo Nir, Avshalom C. Elitzur

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46 Scopus citations


Combined top-down and bottom-up research strategies and the principle of biological continuity were employed in an attempt to reconstruct a comprehensive origin of life theory, which is an extension of the coevolution theory (Lahav and Nir, Origins of Life Evol. Biosphere (1997) 27, 377-395). The resulting theory of emergence of templated-information and functionality (ETIF) addresses the emergence of living entities from inanimate matter, and that of the central mechanisms of their further evolution. It proposes the emergence of short organic catalysts (peptides and proto-ribozymes) and feedback-loop systems, plus their template-and-sequence-directed (TSD) reactions, encompassing catalyzed replication and translation of populations of molecules organized as chemical-informational feedback loop entities, in a fluctuating (wetting-drying) environment, functioning as simplified extant molecular-biological systems. The feedback loops with their TSD systems are chemically and functionally continuous with extant living organisms and their emergence in an inanimate environment may be defined as the beginning of life. The ETIF theory considers the emergence of bio-homochirality, a primordial genetic code, information and the incorporation of primordial metabolic cycles and compartmentation into the emerging living entities. This theory helps to establish a novel measure of biological information, which focuses on its physical effects rather than on the structure of the message, and makes it possible to estimate the time needed for the transition from the inanimate state to the closure of the first feedback-loop systems. Moreover, it forms the basis for novel laboratory experiments and computer modeling, encompassing catalytic activity of short peptides and proto-RNAs and the emergence of bio-homochirality and feedback-loop systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-120
Number of pages46
JournalProgress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 2001


  • Bio-homochirality
  • Biological information
  • Catalytic peptide
  • Feedback loop
  • Genetic code's emergence


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