The Geneva Initiative: the Geneva Accord and Annexes

Gadi Baltiansky (Curator), Yuval Benziman (Editor), Nidal Foqaha (Curator)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


The Geneva accord -- The implementation and verification group (IVG) -- West Bank-Gaza corridor -- Security -- The inter-religious council for Jerusalem -- Jerusalem -- The multinational presence in Al-Haram al Sharif / Temple Mount compound -- Refugees -- Designated roads -- Border crossing points -- Water -- Environment -- Economy -- The link to the Arab peace initiative.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTel Aviv; Ramallah
PublisherGeneva Initiative
Number of pages423
StatePublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

"A detailed proposal for a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement."
"An Israeli-Palestinian proposal."
""-- back cover.
Gadi Baltiansky, director general, Geneva initiative - Tel Aviv; Nidal Foqaha, director general, Geneva initiative - Ramallah; Academic director: Dr. Yuval Benziman.
A CDROM containing this text as a PDF file was published together with the Geneva initiative summary.


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