The Hart-Shelah example, in stronger logics

Saharon Shelah, Andrés Villaveces*

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We generalize the Hart-Shelah example [10] to higher infinitary logics. We build, for each natural number k≥2 and for each infinite cardinal λ, a sentence ψkλ of the logic L(2λ)+ that (modulo mild set theoretical hypotheses around λ and assuming 2λ+m) is categorical in λ+,…,λ+k−1 but not in ℶk+1(λ)+ (or beyond); we study the dimensional encoding of combinatorics involved in the construction of this sentence and study various model-theoretic properties of the resulting abstract elementary class K(λ,k)=(Mod(ψkλ),≺(2λ)+) in the finite interval of cardinals λ,λ+,…,λ+k.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102958
JournalAnnals of Pure and Applied Logic
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021


  • Abstract elementary classes
  • Categoricity
  • Infinitary logic
  • Model theory


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