The isolation and characterization of RNA coded by the micF gene in Escherichia coli

Janet Andersen, Nicholas Delihas*, Kazuhiro Ikenaka, Parnela J. Green, Ophry Pines, Orhan Ilercil, Masayori Inouye

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

55 Scopus citations


A new species of micF RNA, which contains 93 nucleotidej (a 4.5S size), was isolated from Escherichia coli. The sequence of the 4.5S micF RNA corresponds to positions G82 through U174 of the micF gene. The 5′ terminal end of this smaller micF RNA is triphosphorylated signifying that it is a primary transcript. Its promoter region, which is situated within the greater micF structural gene, has been identified and characterized by lafii fusion analysis. A 6S micF RNA species, which has a base composition predicted for a transcript from the full length gene has also been detected; however, the 4.5S micF RNA is the predominant species. The work clearly shows by biochemical identification the presence of chromosomally encoded micF RNA.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2089-2101
Number of pages13
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Issue number5
StatePublished - 15 Mar 1987
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr. Kun Zhao for 3' labeling experiments, Stephen Madore for the introduction to the technique of filter hybridization, Girija Ramakrishnan for aid with northern blot hybridizations, Kangla Tsung for aid in construction of the lacZ plasmids, Nancy Masem for technical assistance, and Drs. M. Freundlich and B. Dudock for providing constructive criticism of the manuscript. Research supported by NSF grant DBM 85-02213 to N.D. and NIH grant GM 19043 to MI.. J.A. is supported on PHS training grant 5T32 CA 09176 awarded by the National Cancer Institute DHHS.


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