The modulatory effect of membrane viscosity on structural and functional properties of the anion exchange protein of human erythrocytes

Z. Ioav Cabantchik*, Dror Baruch, Yael Keren-Zur, Marina Zangvill, Hagai Ginsburg

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5 Scopus citations


The sterol content of human erythrocyte membranes was modified by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-mediated enrichment or depletion of cholesterol (CHL) or incorporation of cholesteryl hemisuccinate(CHS). The effects of these modifications on osmotic fragility and anion exchange protein (AEP) disposition and function were evaluated. CHS enrichment was fast (1 hr, 37°C) and led to a concentration-dependent crenation as well as a decrease in osmotic cell fragility, in parallel with increased membrane microviscosity. CHL caused similar but considerably less marked effects due to slower incorporation rates into membranes. CHS enrichment of cells induced susceptibility of AEP to trypsin, a protease which otherwise does not affect AEP in intact cells. Although transport rates of monosaccharides, nucleosides, and anions were markedly slowed down by CHS enrichment of cells in parallel with increased membrane viscosity, anion transport was the most affected. The temperature profile of anion transport in CHS-enriched cells revealed a 10-kcal/mol increase in the enthalpy of activation relative to normal cells. Anion transport measured in heteroexchange conditions (Clin - pyruvateout) and (Clin - sulfateout) was relatively more susceptible to CHS modification than when it was measured in homoexchange conditions (Clin - Clout). The results of these measurements indicate that CHS-mediated increase in membrane viscosity affects AEP translocation capacity and transmembrane disposition via changes in lipid compressibility. Specific effects of CHS on AEP function, however, could not be ruled out.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)197-216
Number of pages20
JournalMolecular Membrane Biology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1986


  • Anion transport
  • Conformational changes
  • Erythrocyte membrane
  • Membrane fluidity


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