The Oral and the textual in Jewish tradition and Jewish education

Ari Ackerman, Zvi Bekerman, Jonathan Cohen (Editor), Matt Goldish (Editor), Matt Goldish, Marc G Hirshman, Barry W Holtz (Editor), Baruch Schwarz

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The articles in this volume originated, in large part, as papers presented at a conference convened by the Melton Coalition for Creative Interaction in December 2014 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Melton Coalition is a consortium of the three Melton Centers established over the years by the visionary philanthropist Samuel Mendel Melton: at the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ohio State University. The conference was devoted to the various forms of interaction that obtain between the oral and the textual modes of discourse in Jewish history and contemporary Jewish life. Some of the essays dwell on oral and textual media in historical context - while others place more emphasis on the contemporary educational implications of the phenomena under discussion. All the essays in this volume articulate patterns of oral and written discourse that can greatly enrich our knowledge of both the history of Jewish culture and the theory and practice of Jewish education.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJerusalem
PublisherThe Hebrew University Magnes Press
Number of pages286
ISBN (Print)9657008239, 9657008247, 9789657008232, 9789657008249
StatePublished - 2019

Publication series

NameStudies in Jewish education
PublisherThe Hebrew University Magnes Press


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