The outcome of pregnancy following topiramate treatment: A study on 52 pregnancies

Asher Ornoy*, Naama Zvi, Judy Arnon, Rebecka Wajnberg, Svetlana Shechtman, Orna Diav-Citrin

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Scopus citations


In spite of a substantial increase in the use of topiramate at child bearing age, very little is known regarding its use in pregnancy. We describe the outcome of 52 pregnancies with 41 liveborn infants from which it seems that topiramate reduces birth weight without decreasing gestational age at delivery, but does not seem to increase the risk for structural defects. There was an increased rate of spontaneous abortions not related to the drug effects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)388-389
Number of pages2
JournalReproductive Toxicology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Apr 2008


  • Congenital anomalies
  • Pregnancy
  • Spontaneous abortions
  • Topiramate


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