Thebaine content and yield in induced tetraploid and triploid plants of Papaver bracteatum L indl.

Judith Milo*, A. Levy, D. Palevitch, G. Ladizinsky

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


The effect of colchicine induced autotetraploidy on the thebaine content and yield of the capsules of Papaver bracteatum was studied. A significant increase in the thebaine content of the capsules was found in tetraploid plants during two consecutive growing seasons, but the thebaine yield per plant was slightly reduced in the autotetraploids. Autotriploid plants showed a very high concentration of thebaine (8.8%) only in the first growing season. Preferential bivalent pairing and a relatively high pollen fertility were observed in the tetraploids, thus making possible the stabilization of tetraploidy by selfing. Tetraploidy seems a most promising approach for developing clones (by vegetative propagation) or lines rich in thebaine.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361-367
Number of pages7
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 1987


  • autotetraploidy
  • autotripoidy
  • colchicine
  • Papaver bracteatum
  • poppy
  • thebaine


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