Theoretical linguistics and Biblical Hebrew-Edit Doron's vision

Tania Notarius, Nora Boneh

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


This is the first of two thematic issues (the second of which will appear as BAALL 13:1) guest-edited by the late Edit Doron and by Tania Notarius, with the contribution of Nora Boneh, dedicated to the theoretical linguistic study of Biblical Hebrew. They exemplify one of the fruits of Edit Doron’s endeavors to establish firm research ties between theoretical formal linguistics and the philological study of Biblical Hebrew. Edit’s untimely death interrupted this and many other of her projects; it is the goal of this introductory essay to point out some of the milestones of her contribution to the field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
JournalBrill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020


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