Trends in electron-impact fragmentation of substituted styrenebis(tricarbonyliron) complexes induced by the metal and substitution

Rae Victor*, Joseph Deutsch, Shalom Sarel

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6 Scopus citations


A study of electron-impact induced processes of thirty substituted styrenebis(tricarbonyliron) complexes XC6 H4 C(Rα)=CRβ [Fe(CO)3]2, and of some ten corresponding styrene free ligands is described. All the mass spectra of the organoiron complexes are characterized by the consecutive losses of carbon monoxide followed by loss of one or tow iron atoms: [LFe2(CO)6]+. (a) LFe+.2 (c) LFe+. (g) L+ Depending on the nature of the substituent, X, and its position on the styrene ligand, the organic moiety in LFe+ ruptures in four main modes: (d) loss of neutral methane when X = H, CH3, C6H5, CH3O and F; Rα = CH3 and Rβ = H; (e) loss of neutral acetylene when X = H, CH3O; Rα = H and Rβ = CH3; (f) loss of HX when X = halogen, Rα = H, CH3 and Rβ = H; (g) loss of iron. In the halogen-containing organoiron complexes, the ionic fragment LFe+.2 predominates in the mass spectra. It is characterized by its tendency to lose a neutral alkyne molecule to yield the corresponding ionic fragment of diiron-halogenobenzene [mode (b)]. Unlike the organoiron complexes which eject neutral molecules, the corresponding free ligands tend to lose mainly radical species. The preparation and properties of nine hitherto unreported styrene-bis(tricarbonyliron) complexes are described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-76
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
Issue number1
StatePublished - 14 May 1974


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