Ultra-heavy quasiparticles in metallic Nd2-yCeyCuO4

G. Czjzek*, T. Brugger, T. Schreiner, G. Roth, P. Adelmann, I. Felner

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The specific heat Cp(T) and the magnetic susceptibility χ(T) of compounds Nd2-yCeyCuO4, 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.2, were measured in the temperature range from 50 mK to 10 K. A Schottky anomaly in Cp(T) for Nd2CuO4, resulting from the magnetic splitting of the Nd-4f ground state Kramers doublet due to exchange interactions with the ordered Cu moments, is broadened upon Ce doping, and the maximum is shifted to lower temperatures. In overdoped metallic compounds (y = 0.2), the temperature dependence of Cp(T) is linear below 300 mK with a large value of the coefficient γ ∼ 4 J/K2 per mole Nd. A constant value of γ(T) in the same temperature range and the changes of Cp(T) induced by an applied magnetic field corroborate the interpretation in terms of a heavy-fermion system due to the coupling between Nd moments and conduction electrons at the Cu sites.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)248-249
Number of pages2
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
Issue numberC
StatePublished - 2 Apr 1994


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